Hello, I’m Kayleigh.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’ve been studying natural medicine, clean living and all things pregnancy for many years now-basically since becoming a mom. I love helping others find answers to their questions and sharing what I’ve learned. I’m all about keeping it real and letting you in on the good, bad and the ugly. I feel like honesty and vulnerability can forge connections and I’m all about connection. So with that, here’s some things about me:
I’m a 90’s baby.
My husband and I met in high school. He is a pediatric and pregnancy specialized chiropractor so we are kind of like the dream team. ;)
I love to sing (refuse to perform alone 😅), dance (clogging is my JAM), create in all it’s varieties, play the piano, read books, travel (beaches are my fave) and cook.
I hate: doing the dishes, when people don’t use their blinkers and cold weather. (Why do I live in Idaho?? Because Mr. Searle loves to snowmobile. Also, we grew up here and we have lots of family here.)
I both hate and love social media. I love the options it gives for sharing information and can also bring connection. I hate how much time it sucks…even to create a post. So this website helps me stay relevant with all the changing social media!
How my birth’s panned out in order: Epidural/pitocin birth, Hospital with CNM and no epidural, Birthing Center with CPM, Home with a CPM.
Why did I become a birthing instructor?
I became a BBC Instructor because I believe so strongly that women are rockstars. We are capable of so much. Through learning and discovery about your body and it’s innate abilities, you can have the confidence that you can have an empowering birth. I want to give couples the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and find the care they deserve. I want partners to feel special and included in the birth.
I have four beautiful boys and I have had four completely different births! Because of that, I have seen that it doesn’t matter where you birth, it matters HOW you birth. With education, practice and confidence, you can have a satisfying pregnancy, labor and delivery!
What does “Kindacrunchy”mean?
I have discovered a passion for essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, non-toxic living, etc. I’m not all these things all the time however. We sometimes eat whole foods/ organic, I live for chiropractic care but I’ll pop an occasional Tylenol (migraines are my nemesis). I prefer disposable diapers to cloth and I love me some co-sleeping/babywearing. I’m learning how to make sourdough and kombucha on my own and constantly learning. So….kinda crunchy for the win! My intentions are just to share the things that I’ve learned and have made my family and I strong. I want you to feel capable knowing you can care for yourself and your family.