Herbs-for the benefit of man
“Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth… Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart.” D&C 59:17-18
Overuse of pharmaceuticals is hurting our bodies. Adverse reactions to legally-prescribed drugs is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. According to the American Medical Association, legally prescribed pharmaceuticals kill approximately 106,000 hospitalized patients annually, are responsible for an estimated 198,000 related annual deaths and necessitate 23% of all hospitalizations. Deaths from herbals occurs to much lesser extent; the FDA has received over 2,900 adverse event reports (including 104 deaths) about thousands of herbal supplements.
Herbs can be used safely.
Herbs are medicinal plants that can be administered as the whole plant or plant parts or by extracting one or more ingredients with solvents to yield tinctures, tea or other extracts. Herbs work without the toxic side effects associated with drugs because they are typically left in their natural state. They help our body’s return to an alkaline state.
Herbs have vitamins and minerals.
Herbs are a source of vitamins and trace minerals. These vitamins and minerals work together in teams to help with absorption and uptake. Vitamins and minerals are what help make the building blocks in our bodies. Some examples:
Vitamin A: improved blood flow, low cholesterol levels, antioxidants in the blood, improved cardiovascular disease, faster recovery from illness or surgery, improved eyesight.
B Vitamins: These do not get stored in the body, you need to get some B vitamins everyday! The best ways to get B vitamins is from foods as they are easily destroyed by heat and processing. B Vitamins are essential for nerve and cell health. Only utilized in complexes (the B’s work together and give/receive from one another).
Vitamin C: Aids in the absorption of iron, detoxes histamines, antioxidant. Depleted by stress, environmental pollutants, birth control, sleep aids and anti-inflammatories.
Vitamin D: Necessary for calcium and vitamin C uptake.
Vitamin E: improves circulation, increases oxygen in the blood, protects cell membranes (slowing aging process), and more!
This was just a quick glance but you can see how important vitamins are!
How well do they work?
Because herbs work on nutritional principles, how quickly they work for you depend on a variety of factors:
How nutritionally deficient you may be.
Body’s ability to absorb and utilize.
Lifestyle habits and vitamin bandits: (low grade infections, too much sugar, too little sleep, drugs, high stress levels, etc.)
Potency of the herbs.
How well your organs are doing their jobs (kidneys, liver, colon).
Quick tips:
Start small. Don’t go buying all the herbs at once. Become confident with a few and then you can expand your “farmacy”.
Find a company you like! I like Butterfly Express, Earthley and Solle Naturals. Some benefits include subscriptions and credits for future purchases.
Make sure you study an herb before you use it. Some have contraindications for pregnancy and with children or for certain health conditions.
I hope this helped you learn a little more and perhaps take the leap to begin using herbs with your own family! Check out the blog for more in depth study of herbs!