Maverick’s Birth Part 3
With the next contraction, I felt Maverick drop and my body just started to push. I told Lynette I was pushing and she quickly called Danielle (who was napping upstairs), "I need you down here now--she's throwing up and pushing!" I could hear Danielle run across the floor upstairs and down the stairway. Everyone was trying to get me upstairs fast. "You have to walk through the contraction." That was hard and painful. I finally got to the room and the tub had been filled. I stripped off and climbed in the water. It felt great on my tired and sore body and even helped with the contractions. I squatted and waited for my body to do it's thing.
As I was squatting, I felt a POP. My water had broke! I've never felt that so that was cool to experience. I moved to my knees. I remember looking at Lynette and saying, "I can't do this! How am I going to do this?" Fear just set in. (This happens to EVERY woman doing an unmedicated (and sometimes medicated) birth. This is how we know that baby will be there VERY soon.) She was so reassuring and calming. I just let my body push (on it’s own during a contraction) and after 1-2 pushes, his head was out. Another push or two and his body came out with Randy ready to catch him! They passed him up through my legs and I was in complete shock. LOOK WHAT I JUST DID! As I was looking down at him, I noticed he had SO much hair! I checked to make sure that yes he was a boy. He was just so beautiful and perfect. PHEW!

I just sat there and tried to soak it all in-still just in a state of shock. 10-15 minutes later, I delivered the placenta (I actually handed him off to Randy because I was just distracted/exhausted. I then showered, got into the bed, and relived it all through photos and videos my mom had taken). His cord was SO long (it had also been wrapped around his arms like a little puppet. They think that also contributed to his inability to engage into the pelvis). They cut the cord and we got out of the tub and onto the bed to check everything and monitor bleeding. I got Maverick back from Randy and we started nursing. Grace showed us the placenta and explained everything to us. It was so fascinating!
They filled the tub up again for an herbal bath (with herbs for healing, especially for the vagina). After I was done, they took all of his statistics.
8 lbs. 11 oz.
Perfect in every way!

Two-three hours later, we were on our way home! We had been given all of the instructions and we were told to rest because he would take a long stretch of a nap but I just couldn't. I still had so much adrenaline pumping through me which was so frustrating because I hadn't slept in three days! I was every level of exhausted but just could not relax and sleep.
Read more about my postpartum experience.